Delaware Democrats are proposing a multi-pronged assault on residents 2nd Amendment rights at the state capitol.
House Bill 63, which has already passed the House and is awaiting action in the state Senate, would require so-called "safe-storage" of firearms. Such laws tend to make it more difficult for firearm owners to quickly access and use their firearms when emergencies arise.
For Delaware gun owners, HB63 is the least of their worries.
An Associated Press report earlier today outlines a number of additional bills Democrats are intending to file. (None of these bills show up in the state's legislative database yet.)
Democrats also are proposing a new bill requiring anyone who wants to buy a gun in Delaware to obtain permission in advance from state officials in the form of a "purchaser card," which would require being fingerprinted and taking an approved firearms training course. Gun dealers would be required to submit information on every gun sold and every gun purchaser for entry into a new state database.
In addition, Democrats have resurrected, in stricter form, a proposed ban on certain semiautomatic weapons dubbed "assault weapons" by gun control advocates, and a proposed ban on magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
The proposed requirement for fingerprinting and firearms training before being able to purchase a gun are nothing more than efforts to price the poorest and most vulnerable Americans out of their 2nd Amendment rights. Firearms purchasers already need to go through a NICS check before being allowed to take possession of a firearm. The added requirements merely add cost, but little safety, to gun ownership.
Gun databases are typically used for one thing: a necessary first step to gun confiscation of the sort advocated by certain presidential candidates.
Bans on so-called assault-weapons and limiting magazine size to no more than 10 rounds are laws which only serve to put the law-abiding at a disadvantage; criminals have continually demonstrated that they ignore them.